De Natuur spreekt: The Coral Reef/Het Koraalrif

Ian Somerhalder spreekt:

I am Coral
Some people think I’m just a rock
When in fact I’m the largest thing alive on this planet
I’m so big I can be seen from space
But for how long?
I grew for almost two-hundred and fifty million years
And humans came along and now one-fifth of me is gone
Sure, I live at the bottom of the sea
And you might not see me that often
But you do need me
Do you realize that one quarter of all marine life depends on me?
I am the nursery of the sea
Little fish depend on me for food
And to hide from the big fish
And guess who eats the big fish?
That’s right
You do
I’m the protein factory for the world
Yet you raised the temperature of the ocean,
so I can’t live here anymore
And when big storms and tsunamis barrel through the ocean
I’m your fortress
Yet you tear me apart with dynamite
And poison me with cyanide
Well here’s a crazy thought
Stop killing me!